Book: The Checklist: A K-12 Scope and Sequence/Recordkeeper for Christian Home Educators - C.A.T. Ink
Audible: Monkey Town - Listening Library
Book: A Framework for Teaching Basic Economic Concepts: With Scope and Sequence Guidelines, K-12 - National Council on Economic Education
Book: Reading Roadmaps - A Literary Scope & Sequence for K-12 - Institute For Excellence In Writing
Home: 1941 Photo Interior of the tool and ie building, Ford River Rouge plant, Dearborn Michigan. Here radically new techniques of mass production have been developed and put in use. Machine tools and dies - Historic Photos
Book: Todays Mathematics, Concepts and Classroom Methods, and Instructional Activities (Wiley/Jossey-Bass Education) - Wiley
Home: 1963 Photo John F. Kennedy motorcade, Dallas, Texas, Nov. 22, 1963 a close-up view of President and Mrs. Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally and his wife. Location: Dallas, Texas - Historic Photos
Home: Attu, Alaska 1953 Map - 18 inches X 24 inches - Frame Ready in any 18x24 frame - Houston Historic Maps
Home: Chandalar D-4, Alaska 1971 Map - 18 inches X 24 inches - Frame Ready in any 18x24 frame
Book: Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers - Jossey-Bass
Home: 1937 Photo Labor relations whispers. Washington, D.C., April 5. Senator Robert F. Wagner, (right) of New York, author of the Wagner Labor Relations Act, holds a last minute confab with Rep. William P. - Historic Photos
Home: 1838 Photo Executive mercy/Marcy and the Bambers An attack on New York governor William L. Marcys controversial decision to surrender Irish fugitives John Bamber, Sr., and his son James to the Britis - Historic Photos
Home: Como, from the railway, Como, Lake of, Italy 1890s photochrom. photochrom (also called the A?c process) prints are colorized images produced from black and white photographic negatives via the direct - Historic Photos
Home: Varn & Platt Canning Co. Rosie & her doll. Location: Bluffton, South Carolina. - Historic Photos
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